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Whether you are in college, commuting, on a gap year, in trade school, working, or still figuring out what the Lord is calling you to, you are invited to be part of the Fairfax College community!

Our fall college groups will begin meeting on September 15. You deserve community and we can’t wait to get connected with you.

Our Values

Be Present

To be present means that we commit to making our small group a priority. We allow margin in our schedules, other commitments, and our emotional margin to be fully present as part of a group throughout the week.

Welcome the Stranger

Throughout his ministry, Jesus offered an open invitation to all who were seeking to know him: “Come and you will see” (John 1:39). The Gospel is inclusive, not exclusive. As disciples of Jesus, we invite and welcome others to come and see Jesus for themselves and invite them to be a part of our family.

Embrace Weakness

We don’t follow a Jesus who had a neat and tidy life, but a crucified Jesus. As His followers, we embrace our weakness, surrender our pain and our struggles, and express our fullest emotions. We welcome vulnerability and invite others into our lives

Practice the Way of Jesus

Following Jesus isn’t just an event on Sunday, but a way of life. As disciples of Jesus we make being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and living out His mission of restoration a way of life. Together, in community we are learning how to practice the Way of Jesus.

Love One Another

Jesus said the world would know His followers by their love for one another (John 17:20-23). Despite our differences, we are united by the love of Jesus. That’s why groups should be about intimately sharing our lives with one another, seeking to know one another’s stories, and praying for each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be in college to be a part of Fairfax College?

No, Fairfax college is a community for college aged young adults. So, whether you are in college, taking a gap year, in trade school, or working full time, you are invited to be a part of the Fairfax College community!

When and where do Fairfax College small groups take place?

  • Fall: September- December
  • Spring: January- May
  • Summer: June- July

Small groups take place on specific days every week at host homes. We have amazing host families that commit to creating an open and welcoming environment for our small groups to meet each week.

What can I expect during a Fairfax College small group??

Groups gather weekly for dinner, bible study and prayer. Whether you’re new to faith or a mature follower of Jesus, groups are designed to meet you where you are.

Groups use a method that helps everyone learn to study and apply the bible for themselves. Groups also strive to be an environment where you can invite others to come and see Jesus for themselves.

What if I need a ride to church?

We can help! We have Uber vouchers to help you get to one of our church services. You can request a voucher using the form here.