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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 11

Ezekiel’s second vision is concluded in this chapter. Previously we witnessed Ezekiel being transported to Israel. There he saw God leaving the Temple. In this chapter, we see Ezekiel confront the leaders of Jerusalem and warn them of God’s coming judgment.
In chapter 11 of Ezekiel, the Lord brings the prophet to one of the Temple’s gates. There are 25 prominent men gathered. In this group they are boasting of how safe they are inside the city walls. They liken it to being meat in a cauldron above the fire. The meat sits safely in the pot, protected from the harsh flames outside.

But it is this metaphor that God turns around on them. Through Ezekiel, God tells the men that they are, in fact, not safe from their outside enemies. God tells them that that the city is truly like a cauldron, but the meat inside it are the victims of their leader’s injustices. God proclaims how the leaders of the people have done them wrong. They have caused them to rely on man rather than God. They worship false idols with no disregard to the consequences. Because of these egregious sins, God tells them they will be slaughtered by their enemies. These words are so profound that one of the leaders drops dead after hearing them.

After delivering this message, Ezekiel cries out to the Lord. He wants to know if there is any hope for the Israelites. God answers him and tells him there is hope for the exiles. God promises their homeland will be returned and their vile worship of false Gods will end.

This final message in Ezekiel’s second vision is balanced by both warnings of the coming judgment with promises of hope. In this we can see that even if our lives become filled with despair, the Lord can still offer us hope.

Key Verses:
“When the people return to their homeland, they will remove every trace of their vile images and detestable idols. And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them.” ~ Ezekiel 11:18-19

Questions to ponder:

  • Why does God continually give Israel second chances?
  • What second chances has God given to you?
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