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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 25

In the previous chapter of Ezekiel, we saw how God used a cooking pot metaphor to describe the fall of Jerusalem. Since God has now placed His judgment upon the Israelites, it is time to spread His message farther. Ezekiel now has messages for nations outside of Israel.

Chapter 25 is broken down into four brief sections. Each section contains warning prophesies for the four nations surrounding Judah. Specifically, the messages are meant for the citizens of Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Philistia. These messages speak of the reasons that God will bring His justice upon these foreign nations.

In this chapter God explains that Ammom will be judged because of their joy that the Temple in Jerusalem was desecrated after the Babylonian invasion. The Moabs were to be judged because they were pleased at Judah’s wicked nature. The Edoms were to be judged because of their racial hatred towards the Jews. And finally, the Philistia were to be judged because they sought revenge against Judah for a previous loss in battle.

These warnings from God show us an important lesson. It shows us that God’s previous messages have not just been vengeance against the Israelites for their sins. God is prepared to judge all of humanity for their sins. These surrounding nations of Israel sinned the most by not acknowledging the one and only true God. Turning one’s back on the Lord can cause terrible loss for whoever is involved.

Key Verse:
“I will execute terrible vengeance against them to punish them for what they have done. And when I have inflicted my revenge, they will know that I am the Lord.” ~ Ezekiel 25:17 NLT

Questions to ponder:

  • Why does God exact revenge against a people who have sinned against Him, yet punish the Philistines for seeking revenge against the Judeans?
  • Where else in the bible do the Philistines play an important role?
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