Building a Marriage You Love
When you were engaged, wasn’t there a sense of possibility? Of romance? Of near limitless potential, adventure, and deep connection? Where did that go? And how can you preserve it through whatever life throws at you? Marriage can either double your life’s potential or cut it in half. Whether yours is thriving and you want more, or you’re about to break, an amazing marriage is possible. We want to help you get there.
Come join us on Friday, November 8 from 7 to 9pm for a one-night marriage workshop where you’ll receive encouragement from our guest speaker, connect with other married couples in the church, and leave with practical resources that will help you take next steps towards building a marriage you both can love!
Will there be childcare?
We may be able to offer limited childcare at a cost. In the registration form we have a place to request childcare needs.
Is there a cost to attend?
The workshop is free to attend!
Will there be refreshments?
We will have a few snacks and water available but Fairfax Coffee will be open until 7:00 P.M. so we recommend planning to come 15-30 minutes early if you would like to order food or drink from the coffee shop.
Where is the workshop taking place?
The Hangar. Once you enter the main entrance doors there will be signs that direct you to the Hangar.