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Learning about Hope Mailbox
April 11, 2020

Learning about Hope

"Don’t believe things can change?  Just look at Palm Sunday to Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday. Always believe. Always keep hoping. Things can change.” -Ann Voskamp It’s been a rough week, friends. There have been moments this week that have been…
Do Not Scatter! Mailbox
March 20, 2020

Do Not Scatter!

This week the Lenten reader pointed us to the story of the lost sheep where Jesus leaves the 99 in the open country to go after the one lost sheep. But Jesus doesn’t really leave us, per se, to go…
We need YOU! Mailbox
March 13, 2020

We need YOU!

Good morning! We want to address the email that Rod sent to our congregation last evening about the decisions the church is taking over the next two weeks to love our neighbor well and your important role at Fairfax. We…
It Matters Mailbox
February 1, 2020

It Matters

Friday night dinners at General Eisenhower’s House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The home was built in 1909 and the General moved in 1941 with his wife, Mamie and their four young children. We moved into that same house in 1989…
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