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Day 12

Scripture: Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Story from the Blue Seats:
If Mary had known the full weight of what would befall her son, Jesus—His suffering, rejection, and crucifixion—would she have made the same choices in raising Him? We don’t see any signs of reluctance in her obedience. In fact, her song of praise in Luke 1 shows the opposite: a heart full of gratitude and trust in God and a spirit of humility that the Lord saw her and chose her. Instead of responding with fear and hesitation, she responds with worship!

Mary’s example of trust is humbling, especially as I reflect on my own journey. I came to know the Lord later in life, and the path I now walk is one I never imagined for myself. I didn’t always understand why God was calling me to such a different life, and I didn’t always trust Him with the same posture of surrender as Mary. My decision to follow Christ was met with opposition, misunderstanding, and even judgment, especially as the only believer in my family. For years, I felt torn between the world that was familiar and the peace I had found in Christ. It has been a journey full of missed opportunities, moments of regret, and times when I’ve questioned whether I am truly enough for the calling God has placed on my life.

Yet, in the midst of uncertainty, I was called to lead in ministry—a calling I never expected but one I am deeply humbled by. God has moved mountains to bring me to this point, and I know it is only by His strength that I am where I am today. I’ve had to surrender, not just once but daily, letting go of what is comfortable, what is familiar, and the identity I once held. Each time I learn a little more about what it means to truly trust God.

And yet, even now, as I’ve settled into the familiarity of my current leadership position, God is calling me in a new direction. It’s not that I don’t want to follow; it’s that I’ve grown attached to where I am. Letting go of what’s familiar and comfortable is deeply unsettling, especially since it’s been a place where God has positioned me for growth and purpose. And now that I understand more fully what God is doing, can I not hold on just a little longer? Will I have learned nothing, if I don’t trust God in a new adventure?

In those moments, I am reminded that true trust in God means stepping forward in obedience, even when the path is unclear and the future feels uncertain. It’s easy to feel like I will lose the confidence I’ve gained by my calling, but I know that God has always been faithful to provide everything I need for each new step. The struggle is real for all of us— am I trusting in God or my own confidence? There is no true growth in Christ without surrender.

Sometimes, I wish I had made different choices, that I had been wiser from the start, that I had always been ready to follow without question as Mary did. But as I look back, God’s mercy is in the gaps—the times when I was weak, uncertain, and even disobedient— He always led me with grace.

May we, like Mary, say yes to God’s calling, even when the road ahead is unclear. The more uncertain we are, the more chance God’s glory will be evident. He is faithful to guide us, providing strength and grace along the way.