Daniel – Day 12
The beginning of chapter 12 is closely linked to the end of the last chapter and continues what Ronald Wallace calls the great final vision. The primary subject matter of chapter 12 is what is to take place at the end of the world. Christians are to watch, to pray, to remain faithful and to seek to understand the purpose and plan of God without falling into desperation or stupor. In a word Christians who are wise, will not be surprised as the world approaches its culmination at the end of the age.
Among other things Daniel receives knowledge that Michael, the great archangel watches over the children of men and women. Daniel is also given knowledge that at the end there shall be a time of trouble such as never was seen since there was a nation, that everyone who is found written in the book and many of those who sleep, shall awake, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt but those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who engage in an active effort to turn many to righteousness shall shine like the stars forever (Daniel 12:1-3).
The precise time of the occurrence of these events is never specified but we are given signs. When the power of the holy people has been shattered all these things shall be finished. Speaking with an angelic being, a man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, Daniel asked for more precision in terms of time but was told to: Go your way because the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end (Daniel 12:9). The righteous shall purify themselves and the wicked shall do wickedly but none of the wicked will understand but the wise will (Daniel 12:10). This passage suggests that we should endeavor to be among the wise.
This end time period, spoken of by Daniel, gives evidence of the temporary ascendancy of an Antichrist figure, a person who magnifies himself and does according to his own will and blasphemes against the Most High God (Daniel 11:36-39). Jesus Christ speaking through Mark’s gospel confirms Daniel’s account of the end of the age and warns against the emergence of false christs and false prophets who shall arise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible even the elect (Mark 13:14-23). Such statements indicate that at the end of the age many false christs and false prophets and antichrists will arise. Nonetheless, in response the people of God ought to purify themselves and seek wisdom mixed with patience. Those who follow Daniel’s example will arise and receive their inheritance at the end of the days (Daniel 12:13).
Key Verse:
“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” ~ Daniel 12:3
- Why do you think that wisdom is such an important characteristic for faithful followers of the Most High God?
- Do you find the prospect of the end of the age troubling? If so, why?
- What solution does Daniel offer to the possibility that the events at the end of the age may be approaching?
- What resources, people, relationships do you have at your disposal that you can rely on to encourage you to seek the purposes of God in the coming age and help provide you with wisdom as we enter an age of uncertainty?