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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 5

As a continuation of Ezekiel’s previous demonstration, chapter 5 shows Ezekiel demonstrating the humiliation the people of Israel will endure.

God instructs Ezekiel to shave his head and beard as a part of his prophetic demonstration. He tells Ezekiel to split the hair into thirds. One third will be burned upon the clay brick depicting the siege of Jerusalem. The second third will be chopped with a sword on the brick. And the final third will be scattered into the wind. These three acts will show Ezekiel’s audience what will happen to the people of Jerusalem.

Ezekiel’s prophecy shows that a third of the people will die of disease and famine in the city. Another third will be slaughtered by their enemies. And the final third will be scattered into exile, chased by the sword.

This prophecy shows what will happen to the Israelites because of their sins. God’s directions have gone ignored for too long. His people will be punished for their sins if they do not repent.

Key Verse:
“‘I will show you no pity at all because you have defiled my Temple with your vile images and detestable sins.’” ~ Ezekiel 5:11

Questions to ponder:

  • How was the shaving of Ezekiel’s beard and hair, both prophetic and humiliating?
  • What instructions from God have you been ignoring? How can you rectify the rebellion in your own life?
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