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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 45

After we receive all of the architectural measurements for the Temple itself, at the beginning of chapter 45, we also receive the measurements for the land that will surround it. Once we get those measurements, God continues to lay out more rules for the Israelites. These rules pertain to the Princes that will lead them, the offerings and taxes they turn in, and the festivals and holidays they will celebrate.

In regards to the Princes of Israel, the Lord gives them instructions to be leaders of justice. God does not want the Princes to be full of violence and greed as they have been in the past. He does not want them to be prideful and worship false idols. Instead, God wants the Princes to stop oppression and to fulfill the needs of social justice.

When the Lord speaks about taxes and offerings, He provides the same rules previously offered in Leviticus. These rules tell the Israelites exactly how much of their harvests they must turn into the Prince. The Prince is then instructed to make the offerings in the Temple after collecting them.

And finally, this chapter of Ezekiel reminds the Israelites to celebrate the blessings that God has given them in the past. He instructs them to continue to follow Passover. With this holiday, the Israelites are to celebrate God’s act of releasing the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. God also instructs the Israelites to celebrate the Festival of Shelters; a holiday meant for them to remember God protecting the Israelites while they wandered the wilderness.

Key Verse:
“… Enough, you princes of Israel! Stop your violence and oppression and do what is just and right. Quit robbing and cheating my people out of their land. Stop expelling them from their homes, says the Sovereign Lord.” ~ Ezekiel 45:9 NLT

Questions to ponder:

  • What do you do to celebrate the blessings God has provided for you?
  • Why does God repeat the rules laid out in Leviticus and Numbers in these chapters?
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