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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 43

After obtaining the measurements and layout for the final Temple to be built in Jerusalem, Ezekiel witnesses another vision. This time, the vision is the glory of God. He is re-entering the Temple, thus re-uniting with the people of Israel.

In chapter 43, we see that Ezekiel has finished watching the angelic architect lay out the plans for the Temple. After this is finished, Ezekiel sees God as He did in previous visions. This great and majestic vision of God, atop a throne surrounded by a halo, enters the sanctuary of the Temple.

This act of entering into the Temple is significant. God previously had left the Temple and turned His back on the Israelites. They had shamed Him by worshiping false idols and living their lives surrounded in sin. God’s leaving of the Temple indicates that He will destroy the Israelites. By returning, God is indicating that He will give the Israelites another chance at being close to Him.

But unfortunately, this prophecy has yet to come. Some feel that the visions presented to Ezekiel were meant to be instructions. Ezekiel was to instruct the people of circa 500 B. C. to construct this final Temple and return to devoting their lives to God. But once again, the people Ezekiel was preaching to did not listen. Because of that the final Temple has yet to be built.

Key Verses:
“Son of man, describe to the people of Israel the Temple I have shown you, so they will be ashamed of all their sins. Let them study its plan, and they will be ashamed of what they have done.” ~ Ezekiel 43:10-11 NLT

Question to ponder:

  • How does the relationship with God and the temple mirror God’s relationship with us?
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