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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 4

Ezekiel 4 follows the way in which Ezekiel acts out and portrays the coming siege of Jerusalem. Ezekiel is instructed to show the people both symbolically and metaphorically the coming misery to the people of Israel.

Using a clay brick, Ezekiel draws an outline of the city of Jerusalem. He shows the city surrounded by enemy forces. The depiction shows the enemy breaching the city walls with ramps and battering rams.

Ezekiel proceeds to demonstrate the famine Israel will soon encounter because of their rebellious ways. He lays on one side, bound by the Lord for 390 days — one day for each of Israel’s sins. Then he turns to his other side, bound again by the Lord for 40 days — one day for each of Judah’s sins. During this demonstration, he is only allowed to ration himself a specific amount of bread and water.

As Ezekiel slowly wasted away during his demonstration, his audience was able to see the punishment that was to come from their rebellion. Jerusalem would be so devastated that their water would be limited to a few drops a day and their food would be almost non-existent.

God didn’t just have Ezekiel speak about the coming punishment, He wanted the sinners to see it up close through the public physical changes that Ezekiel would endure.

Key Verses:
“‘Son of man, I will make food very scarce in Jerusalem. It will be weighed out with great care and eaten fearfully. The water will be rationed out drop by drop, and the people will drink it in dismay. Lacking food and water, people will look at one another in terror, and they will waste away under their punishment. ’” ~ Ezekiel 4:16-17

Question to ponder:

  • How would you react to a demonstration such as this if you were to see it today?
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