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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 7

After Ezekiel’s metaphorical depiction of the imminent destruction of Israel comes chapter 7, a verbal prophesy of how Israel will be destroyed.

Chapter 7 of Ezekiel continues the message that began in chapter 6. In this chapter, God delivers his message of how Israel will suffer because of their sins. God focuses on many reasons why the Israelites will suffer. They have built shrines to false idols, worshiped their wealth, and stubbornly turned their backs on God. Despite the patience God provides Israel, they still turn to sin. These actions are what causes God to warn them of their coming judgment.

In our modern world, there are a lot of parallels to absorb. Our modern society is also filled with people who love money, follow false idols and turn their backs on the Lord. If we take God’s warning and subsequent actions against Israel as a model to our current society, then we can see that we are falling into the same traps. If we don’t repent our sins and return to following God in all aspects of life, then our society will also be destroyed upon God’s judgment.

Key Verse:
“Not one person whose life is twisted by sin will ever recover.” ~ Ezekiel 7:13 NLT

Questions to ponder:

  • What other pitfalls does our modern society succumb to as the Israelites did?
  • What changes can you make in your everyday life to avoid the fate of the Israelites?
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