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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 of Ezekiel begins a two part message that concludes in chapter 7. The message that Ezekiel delivers is one of destruction and devastation. The Lord provides Ezekiel, in gory detail, how He will lay down his judgment upon Israel.

The portion contained in chapter 6 mostly refers to Judah’s idolatry of man-made gods. Throughout this chapter, the Lord refers to the many ways in which Judah (and Israel as a whole) have sinned against him. The Israelites have worshiped false idols and created shrines in their names. God’s goal is to punish the Israelites so badly that they will know that He is the one and only true God.

The only optimistic part of this chapter is found in verse 8, where the Lord tells Ezekiel that he will let a few escape the devastation. Those left behind will truly know what God is capable of and how His people have hurt Him. Being one of the few to survive a nationwide destruction will be a strong testimony to the power of the Lord.

Key Verses:
“But I will let a few of my people escape destruction, and they will be scattered among the nations of the world. Then when they are exiled among the nations, they will remember me. They will recognize how hurt I am by their unfaithful hearts and lustful eyes that long for their idols. Then at last they will hate themselves for all their detestable sins.” ~ Ezekiel 6:8-9

Questions to ponder:

  • How did the Israelites’ stubbornness lead to the destruction of their state?
  • Does your heart long for God enough to change those areas that are not pleasing to him?
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