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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 31

When one thinks of greatness, a tall, majestic tree is an image one might envision. Its tall branches reach to the highest of heights. Its thick leaves and long arms extend to cover those below it. Its roots run deep and are constantly nourished by the nutrient rich soil. This metaphor is one that God uses to describe Egypt in chapter 31 of the book of Ezekiel.

Verses 1 – 9 speak of how Egypt was like a tree. It was tall in its greatness. Its branches extended above and beyond its neighboring nations. It was based in a rich and fruitful land, ripe with possibilities. Unfortunately for Egypt, this greatness led to its deadly pride.

This is the pride that saddens the Lord and brings His judgment to this once great nation. Verses 10 – 14 speak of the tall tree of Egypt being felled. Before it was tremendous and vast, but now it has fallen. It will be withered and decay as its enemies hollow it and nest in its previous setting.

We must not let our success, our power, or our blessings make us grow tall with pride. We cannot become a great tree that looks down upon everyone else. Instead we must try to live our lives humbled, so that we will not be felled by sin.

Key Verse:
“Let the tree of no other nation proudly exult in its own prosperity, though it be higher than the clouds and it be watered from the depths. For all are doomed to die, to go down to the depths of the earth. They will land in the pit along with everyone else on earth.” ~ Ezekiel 31:14 NLT

Questions to ponder:

  • What other metaphors could be made to illustrate one’s pride?
  • How has your pride caused you to look down on others? How can you correct those behaviors?
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