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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 36

Throughout much of the book of Ezekiel, we hear about many prophesies that the Lord has against Israel and her people. We hear about their sins of idolatry and pride. We hear about how the Lord will reign down upon them with the swords of their enemies. Ultimately, it’s a very bleak outlook. But chapter 36 begins to take a different direction.

In this chapter, Ezekiel delivers God’s message about restoration. In particular, about the restoration of Israel. Here God seems to have sympathy for the tough times Israel has been through. God sees how hard the foreign nations were when they conquered Israel. Because of this, God begins to speak of a positive future.

God declares the reunification of the exiled Israelites. He promises they will be returned to their homelands. He also declares that their previous tendencies toward idolatry will be removed. God promises a new homeland where they will truly know that He is the Sovereign Lord.

Key Verse:
“Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols.” ~ Ezekiel 36:25 NLT

Questions to ponder:

  • God promises to restore Israel spiritually in this chapter. What does God need to change about the Israelites to ensure that promise?
  • How does this promise compare to other covenants God has made with other groups throughout the Bible?
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