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Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 21

Three different messages are conveyed in chapter 21 of Ezekiel. First, Ezekiel delivers a warning of God’s coming sword. Ezekiel then delivers a second message, warning that God is honing His blade to bring down the Israelites. The third message warns of Israel’s demise through the steel of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar.

In verses 1 – 7, the Lord speaks of his sword. This mighty blade will be the manifestation of God’s judgment upon Israel for their rebellion. God’s steel will take down both the righteous and the wicked. The sins of the Israelites are too great for them to go back now.

In verses 8 – 17, the Lord describes the sharpening of His sword. The anticipation delivered in this verse can be seen as a way to help convince those listening to Ezekiel’s prophesy. Ezekiel moans, groans, and strikes his thighs with his fists in grief over the coming loss of life.

Verses 18 – 22 describes how King Nebuchadnezzer will approach the two nations of Judah and Ammon. Both states have conspired against the Babylonians. This conspiracy was once a light of hope for the exiled Israelites hoping to return to their homeland. Since God told the Israelites not to align with foreign nations (Jeremiah 27:3), He now will send King Nebuchadnezzer to decimate them for their sins.

Ezekiel’s prophesies in this chapter were probably hard to believe. It’s difficult to hear about how much sin you and your nation have and how it will destroy everything. Unfortunately, those Ezekiel preached to did not heed his warnings. King Nebuchadnezzer ultimately destroyed the state of Judah.

Key Verse:
“This is what the Lord says:‘I am your enemy, O Israel, and I am about to unsheath my sword to destroy your people — the righteous and the wicked alike.’” ~ Ezekiel 21:3

Questions to ponder:

  • If you heard a preacher offering the same or similar prophesies about your life, would you listen?
  • Why was it so difficult for the Israelites to listen to Ezekiel?
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