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Book of Malachi: Chapter 2

God now turns His attention on the priests, the spiritual leaders of Judah. Like the rest of the nation, they, too, had become lax in their discipline and were failing to lead the people in the proper worship of God. Among other curses, God literally says He’ll “plaster your faces with rotting garbage” (v. 3 The Message). (Just so you know, “rotting garbage” is translated in other versions as entrails and dung – however you translate it, there’s no misunderstanding the meaning!)

Listen to the disappointment in God’s word as He tells the Levitical priests that they’ve strayed from the purpose for which He created them. Instead of leading the people towards God, they lead them away from Him. Instead of teaching wisdom, they twisted the law. If the people couldn’t turn to their priests for direction, answers, and resolving disputes, to whom could they turn?

The focus then turns to all of Judah and God uses a powerful metaphor we find throughout Scripture: followers of God enter into a marriage-like relationship with Him. God had banned His people from marrying foreigners since He knew the weakness of the people. He knew they’d be tempted (and succumb) to follow in the ways of non-believers and worship false gods. In this story, God is the bride, Judah the husband, and false gods are the mistress. God states that Judah as a nation has cheated on “the wife of your youth” by turning away and failing to properly worship God. This metaphor serves as a visceral reminder of the relationship God seeks with us: a passionate and lifelong union between a devoted husband and his wife.

Key Verse:
“So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.” ~ Malachi 2:16b

Questions to ponder:

  • If you are a leader – at your work, in the church, or at home – do you understand the additional responsibility God has placed on you?
  • What in your life is a mistress pulling you away from God?
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